
5 Hidden and Rarely-Discussed Security Threats of Blockchain

5 Hidden and Rarely-Discussed Security Threats of Blockchain

Introduction Blockchain technology offers a new level of decentralization, transparency, and security for handling data and transactions. Although distributed ledgers reduce some well-known cyber threats, they also present new, less-discussed attack routes. This article identifies five hidden risks in many blockchain ecosystems caused by software flaws, incentives for player exploitation, centralization tendencies, and cryptographic weaknesses. […]

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How Blockchain Solves the Intellectual Property Problem of AI

How Blockchain Solves the Intellectual Property Problem of AI

Introduction Blockchain Solves the Intellectual Property Problem of AI – as artificial intelligence systems become more advanced and valuable, questions around who owns and controls the rights to these AIs arise, but blockchain technology offers a decentralized, transparent way to manage intellectual property for AI systems. Conflicting concerns over intellectual property have arisen in tandem

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The Power And Potential Of Blockchain Gaming In e-sports

The Power And Potential Of Blockchain Gaming In e-sports

Introduction The Esports Market was worth $915.30 million in 2018, and by 2026, it’s predicted to be worth $2,976.74 million, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.35%, says Verified Market Research. Blockchain Gaming In e-sports is opening up new possibilities and transforming the landscape with its ability to provide transparency, verifiable scarcity of digital

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Unleashing a Digital Revolution: The Intersection of Blockchain and Software

Unleashing a Digital Revolution: The Intersection of Blockchain and Software

Introduction One of the most revolutionary and disruptive inventions of our time is blockchain technology, which has exploded onto the international scene. Blockchain, originating with the decentralized digital currency Bitcoin, offers a remarkably safe and transparent foundation for peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. This revolutionary technology has enormous ramifications for supply chain logistics, healthcare, banking, and

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Which Model Describes How Data Is Written To a Blockchain

Which Model Describes How Data Is Written To a Blockchain

Introduction Blockchain technology emerged as a novel method of recording and sharing data across decentralized networks. Fundamentally, a blockchain is a distributed ledger that offers decentralization, security, and transparency thanks to its unique architecture. As blockchain usage increases throughout finance, healthcare, supply chain, and other industries, it’s critical to grasp the technical aspects of how

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Blockchain in 2024 – the year of institutional adoption

Introduction Blockchain technology is expected to become widely used in the industry in 2024 after more than a decade of speculation, trials, and pilot programs. Institutional and corporate adoption of blockchain-based solutions is accelerating as all the necessary components are coming together. A mature blockchain technology that lowers risks, more precise rules that boost trust,

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5 New Technological Innovations In The Cardano Blockchain

5 New Technological Innovations In The Cardano Blockchain

The Cardano blockchain is a pioneer of innovation in the field of cryptocurrencies. Among crypto platforms, Cardano stands out for its emphasis on sustainability, security, and scalability, along with its rigorous academic background. In line with this advancement-oriented mindset, Cardano has released a number of advanced technological developments lately. These most recent developments hold significant

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How Blockchain will Transform the Food Supply Chain

How Blockchain will Transform the Food Supply Chain

Introduction In 2030, the global population will reach 8.5 billion; in 2050, 9.7 billion; and in 2100, 10.9 billion. Rapid population growth and negative anthropogenic influences on nature significantly increase the risk of exceeding Earth’s capacity to regenerate, leading countries worldwide to set high targets for lessening their harmful environmental effects. As a result, the

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